Professional summary 2024. Oliver Salas Herrera holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Cadiz (UCA) with a Cum Laude thesis entitled "Educational values and discourse in Spanish animated series of the eighties" (2021). He is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher for the University of Cadiz as a beneficiary of the Margarita Salas Grant (2021), aimed at training young PhDs. During this contract, he has spent two full years (2022-2023) at the Institut de recherche sur le cinéma et l'audiovisuel (IRCAV, EA 185 de la Sorbonne Nouvelle) in Paris (France); and he is currently continuing his research work (until 31 December 2024) at the Department of Marketing and Communication of the University of Cadiz, located in Jerez de la Frontera (Spain). His topics of study are educommunication, animation, inequality of representation and environmental education.
Current academic employment Postdoctoral Researcher UCA 2022 - 2024. Postdoctoral Researcher (Universidad de Cádiz, UCA). Beneficiary for 3 years of the Margarita Salas grant granted by the Government of Spain, aimed at training young doctors, with a contract as a researcher at the Universidad de Cádiz, as stated in the Resolution of the Rector of the Universidad de Cádiz UCA/R2511REC/2021, of November 30. This contract consists of a 2-year work stay abroad and 1 last professional year in Spain:
2022 – 2024. Individual project: "Once upon a time... The equality" (Results and publications in the process of being finalised). This study with qualitative and quantitative methodology analyses the role of women in the French animated series "Once upon a time... Man" (1978); "Once upon a time... Space" (1982); "Once upon a time. ... Life" (1987); "Once upon a time... The Americas" (1991); "Once upon a time... The discoverers" (1994); "Once upon a time... The explorers" (1996); and "Once upon a time... Planet Earth" (2008). 2022 - 2023. Estancia de 24 meses en la IRCAV de París, Francia: 2-year stay at the Institut de Recheerche sur le Cinemá et l'Audiovisuel (IRCAV) in Paris, France; with the collaboration of Dr. Perrine Boutin, tutor of the stay; and Dr. Emmanuel Siety, director of the centre. 2024. Stay at the Universidad de Cádiz (UCA): 1-year stay in the Department of Marketing and Communication, directed by Pedro Pablo Marín Dueñas, and with the collaboration of David Selva Ruiz as tutor of the stay. Postdoctoral studies (Spain-France) * Postdoctoral courses at the Universidad de Cádiz (Spain): 2024. Initiation to teaching at the University of Cadiz. 25 hours. Start: 06/02/2024 - End: 01/03/2024. 2024. Locate quality information in your area. Humanities and Education Sciences. Search engines, databases, e-journal platforms and e-books. 25 hours. Start: 30/05/2024 - End: 13/06/2024. 2021. Environmental Monitor. The Sustainable Development Goals through Environmental Education. It belongs to the programme Sustainability 2021-2022. 25 hours. Start: 25/10/2021 - End: 29/10/2021. * Courses at the University Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris, France) 2023. “Using Zotero bibliographic management software”. 18/04/2023. 2023. “Searching is finding”. 10/04/2023. 2023. “Managing the abundance of documents”. 07/04/2023. 2023. “Searching for theses and academic works”. 28/03/2023. 2023. “Find scientific journals and articles”. 02/03/2023. 2023. “Dissertation methodology”. 06/02/2023. 2023. “The protection of personal data in SHS research”. 23/01/2023. 2022. Accredited unregistered student at the Master of the Sorbonne Nouvelle entitled “Analyse des outils pedagógiques”, taught by Perrine Boutin (23/01/2022 to 29/04/2022).
Academic background 2021. PhD in Communication. Line of research: Educommunication and Media Literacy. Doctoral thesis with an honourable mention Cum Laude: “Educational values and análisis of discourse in Spanish animated series of the eighties”. Thesis Director: Víctor Manuel Amar. Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Communication at the Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Málaga, Universidad de Huelva and Universidad de Cádiz (España) –Programme winner of the AUIP Prize for the quality of doctoral studies in Iberoamerica (11th edition)–. Date of reading of the thesis: 05/07/2021. * The thesis includes an in-depth analysis of the evolution of human rights in Spain during the 20th century, interviews with the main creators of the animated series, unpublished graphic documentation and the study of all the episodes of the object of study
2015. MA with access to doctorate in “Creation of audiovisual scripts”. 60 ECTS. International University of La Rioja (UNIR / Spain). * In relation to screenwriting training, I also attended the “Robert Mckee's Screenwriting Seminar” (2009) –Hollywood screenwriter and producer– (Malaga Congress Fair, Spain). 2013. MA in “Digital animation: Specialization in postproduction and 3D animation film”. 60 ECTS. Universidad de Salamanca (USAL / Spain). Link Final project, 3D Short Film (by Oliver S. H.): 2012. MA in Graphic Desing: “Visual Arts Studies”. 120 ECTS. Universidad Católica San Antonio from Murcia / Instituto de Artes Visuales from Jerez de la Frontera (Spain). Link Graphic design (Portfolio web): 2010. University degree in “Dramatic Art, stage direction speciality”. Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático from Málaga (ESAD Málaga / Spain). Final Degree Project: Direction of “Edward II” by Christopher Marlowe. Theater Production (120 min long). Editing with more than fifteen actors and ten technical collaborators. Professional responsibilities: Direction of actors and Staging; Adaptation and Dramaturgy; Creator of Complete Designs of: Costumes, Scenography, Makeup; and Video editor of the audiovisual montage (15 K views online). Link Trailer and Theatre performance .
Scientific publications 2024. Book chapter (publication confirmation date settled on December 2024): “Sexismo en la serie de animación española 'Ruy, el pequeño Cid' (1980)”. Author: Oliver Salas Herrera (Universidad de Cádiz). Book title: Educación y expresión en sociedades inclusivas. El camino hacia la diversidad. Editorial Dykinson S. L (Spain). Year: 12/2024. ISBN: 978-84-1070-440-4 2024. Book chapter (publication confirmation date settled on December 2024): “Sexismo en la serie de animación española 'La vuelta al mundo de Willy Fog' (1983)”. Author: Oliver Salas Herrera (Universidad de Cádiz). Book title: Educación y expresión en sociedades inclusivas. El camino hacia la diversidad. Editorial Dykinson S. L (Spain). Year: 12/2024. ISBN: 978-84-1070-440-4 2024. Book chapter (publication confirmation date settled on December 2024): “Sexismo en las series de animación españolas 'David el gnomo' (1985) y 'La llamada de los gnomos' (1987)”. Author: Oliver Salas Herrera (Universidad de Cádiz). Book title: Educación y expresión en sociedades inclusivas. El camino hacia la diversidad. Editorial Dykinson S. L (Spain). Year: 12/2024. ISBN: 978-84-1070-440-4 2019. Book chapter : “A propósito de una experiencia de cine y educación. El Cineforum Universitario”, páginas 203-224. Authors: Nº 1, Víctor Amar Rodríguez (Universidad de Cádiz); Nº 2, Juan Carlos Peláez (Universidad de Cádiz); and Nº 3, Oliver Salas Herrera (Universidad de Cádiz). Book title: Comunicación, Educación y Cine: Reflexiones y Construcciones. Editorial Fi. Porto Alegre (Brasil). 252 pages. Year: 12/2019. ISBN: 978-85-5696-657-5. 2019. Capítulo de libro : “Educación sobre los derechos del animal en la serie de animación española 'Mofli, el último koala' (1987)”. Author: Oliver Salas Herrera, pages 110-135. Título libro: Educar en Valores en los Albores del Siglo XXI: Pensamiento Estético-filosófico y Comunicación. Escobar Borrego, F. J y Ballesteros-Aguayo, L.(eds). Sevilla (Spain). Editorial Egregius. Year: 12/2019. 2018. Publicación artículo: «In delirium… Formas de entender la educación, comunicación y la vida». Authors: Nº 1, Jerónimo Jorge Cavalcante Silva (Universidad del Estado de Bahía, Brazil) and Nº 2, Oliver Salas Herrera (Universidad de Cádiz, Spain). Scientific journal: HACHETETEPÉ. Year: 11/2018.
Participation in congresses 2024. International Congress. Communicator with three papers: “IV Congreso internacional identidades, inclusión y desigualdad. En otra piel. visibilizar para comprender y construer”. (Online mode). Date: May 9th and 10th 2024. 1st Communication entitled: “Sexismo en la serie de animación española 'Ruy, el pequeño Cid' (1980)”. 2nd Communication entitled: “Sexismo en la serie de animación española 'La vuelta al mundo de Willy Fog' (1983)”. 3rd Communication entitled: “Sexismo en las series de animación españolas 'David el gnomo' (1985) y 'La llamada de los gnomos' (1987)”. Author: Oliver Salas Herrera. Organised by: Seminario Permanente Familias and Redes Sociales; OEA Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia; Egregius. 2023. Colloquium in Paris. Author and co-organiser of the IN Colloquium: “Les inégalités de représentation à l’écran”. Date: December 5th and 6th 2023. Organisers: Nº 1, Oliver Salas Herrera (IRCAV / Universidad de Cádiz) & Nº 2, Perrine Boutin (IRCAV, Sorbonne Nouvelle). Event composed of twelve conferences; 1 round table with representatives of ONU Femmes France; SOS Homophobie & Conseil Représentatif des Associations Noires (CRAN); with final screening of the film Simone, le voyage du siècle (2022) at the Studio des Ursulines cinema (Paris). Organiser: IRCAV. Sponsors: Universidad de Cádiz; the Association Savoir Devenir –linked to UNESCO–; and the Observatoire des Images. Book edition: The organisers are currently working on a possible publication of the papers in book format. * Website (Colloque IN): (Graphic design by Oliver S. H. -logo, posters, videos and web-). Link Website & Spot Colloque IN:
2022. Invited conference speaker at the training activity: “Université d’été 2022” (Moulin d’Andé, Normandy (France). Attendance at the event on September 14th, 15th and 16th 2022; with guest lecture (15/09/2022). Communication entitled: “Educational values and analysis of discourse in spanish animated series of the eighties”. Author: Oliver Salas Herrera. Organised by: Laboratoire d’excellence ICCA (Industries Culturelles & Création Artistique) (France). 2018. Conference speaker with two talks at the International Congress (2018): “Comunicación y filosofía. Comunicracia y desarrollo social” (Priego de Córdoba, Spain). 1st Communication entitled: “Rol de los personajes femeninos en las series de animación española de TVE durante la década de los ochenta” (23/11/2018). 2nd Communication entitled: “Educación sobre los derechos del animal en la serie de animación española 'Mofli, el último koala' (1987)” (24/11/2018). Author: Oliver Salas Herrera. Organised by: Universidad de Sevilla (Spain). 2016. International Conference (Communication with poster): “IV Jornadas internacionales doctorales. Tendencia e innovación en comunicación, del doctorado interuniversitario en comunicación” (Málaga, Spain). Date: 26 and 27 de septiembre de 2016. Author: Oliver Salas Herrera. Organised by: Universidad de Málaga (Spain). Attendance at conferences (Francia-España) 2023. International Colloquium: “Médias et événements” (Paris, France). Date: 13 y 14 de marzo de 2023. Organised by: UFR Arts & Médias de l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. 2023. International Conference: “Class, race and place in the us south” (Paris, France). Date: 1, 2 and 3 February 2023. Organised by: IMAGER (Université Paris-Est Créteil), CREW (Sorbonne Nouvelle), CHCSC (Université Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines), LARCA (Université de Paris Cité-CNRS, UMR 8225), CRHEC (Université Paris-Est Créteil, EA 4392). 2023. Seminar with Patrick Lozès (president of CRAN, Conseil Représentatif des Associations Noires): “Le passé, le présent et le futur du CRAN” (Paris, France). Date: 22/03/2023 (online). Organised by: Plataforme Internacionale sur le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme (PIRA). 2023. Seminar with Odile Quintin (antigua Directora General de la Comisión Europea): “Les politiques institucionnelles de l’UE en matière du lutte contre le racisme et les discrminations” (Paris, France). Date: 04/01/2023. Organised by: Plataforme Internacionale sur le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme (PIRA). 2022. Seminar “Discours, genre et féminismes. les corpus politiques” (Paris, France). Date: 15/04/2022 (online). Organised by: Laboratorio Lirces, Université Côte d’Azur. 2022. Colloquium: “Orientation et justice sociale” (Paris, France). Date: 22/03/22 (online). Organised by: CNAM y INETOP. 2022. Colloquium: “Le costume sur un plateau 2022” (Paris, France). Date:11th, 12th and 13th March 2022. Organised by: Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. 2022. Conference: “Tac au Tac, bande dessinée et télévision: ce qui est en jeu” (Paris, France). Date: 30/11/2022. Organised by: Maison de la Recherche de la Sorbonne Nouvelle. 2022. Conference: “Histoires et pratiques contemporaines de l’enseignement du scenario” (Paris, France). Date: 20/05/022. Organised by: LA FEMIS (École Nationale Supérieure des Métiers de l’Image et du son). 2022. Round table: “Les nouveaux activistes climatiques européens” (Paris, France). Date: 09/03/22. Organised by: Counterpoint Global CIC y Opinion Science. 2022. Conference: “Les méchants, de l’exclusion à la fascination” (Paris, France). Date: 12/02/22. Organised by: Université Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne. 2022. Seminar with Annie Duprat, Professor emeritus of history at the Université de Cergy-Pontoise: “Usages et mésusages de l’iconographie de la république” (Paris, France). Date: 18/02/2022. Organised by: CNAM. 2019. Seminar International «Los retos para una publicidad socialmente responsable». Date: 5/03/2019. Organised by: Universidad de Cádiz. 2018. International Congress “I Congreso Internacional de cultura popular” (Sevilla, Spain). Date: From 12th to 14th December 2018. Organised by: Universidad de Sevilla. 2017. International Congress “IV Congreso Internacional Arte, ilustración y cultura visual en educación infantil y primaria: mediación crítica dentro y fuera de la escuela”. Date: 29th June to 1st July 2017 (online). Organised by: Universidad del País Vasco and Universidad Pública de Navarra. 2016. Congress 'I Congreso Comunicación y pensamiento. Comunicracia y desarrollo social' (Sevilla, Spain). Date: 9th, 10th and 11th March 2016. Organised by: Universidad de Sevilla (Spain). Certificates of Training Activities and Attendance at Doctoral Conferences: AF1. Certificate in Initiation to doctoral studies (University of Cadiz, 2016). AF2. Cross-disciplinary and transdisciplinary seminar on methodologies applied to research in Communication (University of Seville, 2016; and University of Cádiz, 2018). AF3. Scientific dissemination seminar on impact publications (2016). AF4. Certificate of participation in the IV International Doctoral Conference Trends and innovation in Communication with the poster: "Universal Rights in the animation of the 80s" (University of Málaga, 2016). AF5. Activity «Digital tools for content analysis», Seminar on Current trends in communication research (University of Seville, 2016). AF6. Activity «Tools for research in Audiovisual Communication», Seminar on current trends in communication research (University of Seville, 2016). AF7. Activity «The SPSS program as a research tool», Seminar on current trends in communication research (University of Seville, 2016). AF8. Doctoral Conference on Educommunication. (University of Málaga, 2016). Languages 2022-2023. French. French language courses of the Red Cross (75005, Paris). 2022. French. Presential French course for foreigners with Anne Henry at Animation Centre - Centre Mercoeur of the Association MJC (75011, Paris). 2022. French. “Preparation DELF B1” (ACL22542). Course organised by: Centro Superior Lenguas Modernas (CSLM), Universidad de Cádiz (UCA). 2022. French. “French immersion, level A2” (ACL22522). Course organised by: Centro Superior Lenguas Modernas (CSLM), Universidad de Cádiz (UCA). 2021. English. TOEIC 4 SKILLS with CEFR Level: «B1». Score: 985 with accredited passing of the 4 modalities. Exam performed under the supervision of the Authorized Centre by Capman Testing Solutions.
Pre-doctoral awards and collaborations linked to Audiovisual Communication 2014. 1st Prize in the 1st “Young Creators” Contest held by Atresmedia and the Spanish Television Academy of Sciences and Arts. Prize awarded to the 3D Short Film Chesster by Jose María Peña. Functions performed by Oliver Salas: Co-scriptwriter, direction of dubbing actors and dubbing actor (Narrator's character). Broadcast on national television: Neox. Link Short film: 2013. Prize for Best Production awarded by Luís Bassat to the Spot “Random Effect” at the XVIII Festival “From Class to Account” of the Faculty of Seville. Functions performed by Oliver Salas: Director of Amateur Actors and collaboration in graphic design. 2008. Málaga Crea Award as 2nd Best Work for “Intruder” (Maurice Maeterlinck) by the Bajotierra company (Alberto Cortés). Functions performed by Oliver Salas: Main actor in the role of The grandfather. Link Theatre performance: 2001. National Award for Best Amateur Actor at the IV Ciudad de la Línea National Amateur Theater Competition for Oliver S. H. in the play A Midsummer Night's Dream 2030 for the role of Puck. Assembly of the La Madriguera Theater Company.
Other experiences linked to Audiovisual Communication. 2014 - 2017. Reports and photographs of Music Festivals NOSINMÚSICA, IMÁGINA FUNK and ALRUMBO; for publication in the digital magazine Link: 2013. Direction of Staging and video editing of "Regreso al recreo". Production of the MC Bonaro Circus Association. Link Juggling show: 2007 - 2008. Professional actor hired by La Madriguera Teatro for the commercialization of tourist and educational animations in the tourism delegations of the provinces of Cádiz, Huelva and Almería. 2007. Script (Filming Secretary) in the production "El libro talonario" (El Grito Inside Films). Link Short film: 2004. Supporting actor in the movie: "Atún y Chocolate", directed by Pablo Carbonell. Link Film trailer : 2004. Assistant regidor in the play "Miguel de Cervantes, Pasión y Libertad" performed at the Alcázar de Sevilla (Spain) by La Tarasca Teatro. (Higher Degree Programme in Production). Link Publicity of the play on Canal Sur TV: 2003. Assistant regidor in "The Marriage of Figaro"; produced by La Madriguera Teatro. 2007 - 1998. Amateur actor in the following productions of La Madriguera Teatro: Tírate de la moto (1999); the musical Les Misérables (2000); Alesio, una comedia de tiempos pasados (2001); A Midsummer Night's Dream 2030 (2002); the musical Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal (2007); –among other activities–.